In 1979, John Deverson, Paul Scholtens and Paul Bombardier established Deverson Scholtens Bombardier Landscape Architects which later became known as dsb Landscape Architects.
With current directors Michael Reeves and David Pearce, the dsb Team continue this extensive range of expertise and experience leading and working as a part of a design team from initial planning through to project completion.
The dsb Team specialise in public domain and urban design, education and healthcare facilities, infrastructure including roads, residential estates and multi-unit developments, and industrial and commercial landscapes.
With over 3000 successfully completed projects, dsb Landscape Architects have made a significant contribution to public and private landscapes in Canberra, New South Wales and Victoria. We continue our commitment to provide innovative, workable and sustainable design solutions for our clients.
dsb Landscape Architects has offices in Canberra and Wollongong and can service clients throughout Australia and internationally.
dsb's office is comprised of landscape architects, urban designers, horticulturalists and arboriculturalists. Led by directors Michael Reeves and David Pearce, the staff have an extensive range of expertise and experience leading and working as a part of a design team from initial planning through to project completion.
dsb Landscape Architects' approach to the design process has not changed since opening in 1979. The dsb landscape and urban design team takes the opportunity to be design-led, and this philosophy is key to our value management thinking.
The dsb Team provides concept plan design development, fully coordinated across your team of consultants, to make a significant difference to the lives of the people who use it and to the visibility and identity of the project.
Our challenge is to integrate it sensitively and usefully into its various contexts, stitch it into the fabric of its immediate neighbourhood, create lush enclaves with retained trees and project an image of vitality, purpose and intent. We see opportunity for long term social, economic and amenity benefits for residents and the wider community.
We see our role in the wider project as foregrounding project domain amenity, connectivity, and quality – as these will become synonymous with the project and its best advocate – while balancing functional and safety requirements.
Early development of refined urban and landscape objectives and principles, and sharing of these with the team, will help to embed this wider definition of ‘value’ in the project, as a basis for discussions about capital expenditure and ongoing maintenance costs.